Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More gemstones

I could not be a happier, or luckier girl.

I wanted to buy some peridot, a a good price. Since the Jewelry Channel is going ou of business by the end of this month, I got in on a good deal.

But It seems that I accidentally ordered 2! So now I have a total of 4 carats of peridot. Nothing to complain about here! These stones are lovely, lovely, and remind me of Frost's poem, "nothing gold can stay"

TJC was doing a business deal that day. Then you ordered anything, you got a matching set of gemstones. One out of ten posibilities. These included garnet, citrine, saphire, emerald and TANZANITE! Was it so wrong of me to pray that I didnt get the citrine? I lay awake for days going "No... no... not citrine!"

So you can imagine I was excited for my freebies to arrive. I prayed for tanzanite.


Of corse he stones are tiney... about .25 each, but they are all MINE!

and he other, accidental order? No, I didnt get the citrine! My Prayers were answered and I got

PINK SAPHIRE! I had wanted some, but the stones were out of my price range, much like tanzanite!

So for about $40, I got 4 carats Peridot, Tanzanite, and Pink Saphire!

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