Peridot crystals have been collected from some Pallasite meteorites. Peridot is the only gemstone found in meteoritesPeridot is also referred to as " the Evening Emerald"Some of the Indian Reservations in the United States mine this gem and sell it. really nice website!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The name comes from the ancient greek to mean "Not Intoxicated" for the Greeks belived that the stone would keep you from becomming drunk! They even went so far as to have goblets made of the stone to prevent the likely outcome!Lore-In greek mythology, Dionysus, the god of intoxication, was pursuing a maiden named Amethystos, who refused his affections. Amethystos prayed to the gods to remain chaste, which the goddess Artemis granted and transformed her into a white stone.
Humbled by Amethystos' desire to remain chaste, Dionysus poured wine over the stone as an offering, dyeing the crystals purple.Variations of the story include that Dionysus had been insulted by a mortal and swore to slay the next mortal who crossed his path, creating fierce tigers to carry out his wrath. The mortal turned out to be a beautiful young woman, Amethystos, who was on her way to pay tribute to Artemis. Her life is spared by Artemis, who transformed the maiden into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the brutal claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine in remorse for his action at the sight of the beautiful statue. The god's tears then stained the quartz purple. Another variation involves the goddess Rhea presenting Dionysus with the amethyst stone to preserve the winedrinker's sanity. some nice pictures
Aquamarine is the primary Birthstone of March, the secondary being bloodstone. These two lovely gems are part of my collection, and they look even better in person, like two drops of dew enchanted by faery. Indeed, their very name includes two latin words for water.. Aqua, literally meaning water, and Marine, meaning the sea.
These were the 3rd kind of loose stone I ever purchased, comming in behind the pearls. I originally did not want them.... but they were so beautiful, even on television, and at such a low price, I simply couldnt resist. And, I'm glad I didnt, because they are a fine addition to my loose stones collection. Some might even say the prettiest.
Ancient sailors traveled with aquamarine crystals, believing that it would ensure a safe voyage, and guarantee a safe return; they often slept with the stones under their pillow to ensure sound sleep.
Home Shopping,
Hessonite Garnet
Hessonite Garnets... The first loose stones I bought while in a rock shop in Kauai.. not very big, but I would say at least a carat and a half combined. These stones are also not very clear, with many inclusions, but they will always be dear to me... my first stones! They were a mystery at the time, because I had no idea what Hessonite was... much less could I guess if they were a garnet! The bright, tangerine look is strongly remnicient of the tropics, and will always be a reminder of my time on the island!!
The resarch is hard to find for these.. as they are neither as popular as the rare green Tsavorite, or as common as the red garnet... Which, by the way, I own several of, set in jewelry pieces, of corse.
However, with patience, and diligence, I hae come across some stunning information about these beautiful stones!
This helpful website suggests that these stones are popular in India, where they are called gomedha or gomedh.. Raju ratna and Ping Spatik! Who knew this gem had such exotic names!
Well, one thinks that they are exotic, unless you speek sanskrit, and you know that Gomedh literally translates to " the color of cow urine"!!!
In indian culture this stone seems to be quite, quite popular, cited as a cure for most of what ales you.
"June Girls Wear Pearls" is what my GrandNani said to me when she gave me my first pearl necklace, and my second.
"Ah, this is a beautiful pearl... pink, as it represents love. How foruitous for your Honeymoon" Said an overly helpful Asian woman in a popular tourist trap on Kauai, as my husband and I pried open a previously seeded oyster to reveal the certain treasure.
Yes, even though A pearl is definately an organic treasure, or one might say, an irritant, I have never been able to escape them. As I have grown up, I have come to appreciate the unique luster of the pearl, and come to care for it, as a precious gem.
The pearls depicted in the picture are from my own personal collection... more of the treasure I found in Kauai, allong with the sea glass, and the hessonite garnets. I have a third pearl, pink, a sister if you will to these two. These two came from the same oyster, but one is coated darker than the other. My other pearl, the first honest, untampered pearl I ever came to possess, nearly caused me to make a scene.
At the stand, where I got to pick out my own oyster, a great big ugly behemoth... which in my opinion isnt saying much as far as oysters go, the helpful saleswoman held up my pink pearl, let me cup it breathlessly in the very palm of my hand, and then... plucked it from me, only to drill a hole right into it!!
Readers, if only you could have imagined my face as I watched this! My stomach dropped! I felt nauseated! But, it was all part of their ploy! Now that my pearl had a hole in it, it was much easier to trick me into buying a pendant to put it on! The pendant I chose was a modestly priced one... I was horrified, natually to be tricked in such a manor, my stomach still queasy with the sound of the drill.... and I eventually made a choice of a simple white gold, with a tiny diamond nestling next to my pearl, apologising under my breath to my husband, for falling for such a costly gimmick!
However... all was not lost, for in cooperation for sitting through he horrible scene, I was given an oyster seeded with two pearls, both pinkish in color, and I quickly yelled out " DO NOT PIERCE THEM!!!" Much to the saleswomans surprise. These are the pearls you see in my picture.
If you like, you, too, can have a riviting experiance... if you go to the company who sponsored my private thriller.
My wedding was in June, as is my birthday... so for that summer month, pearls still reign supreme.
Other gemstones for June birthdays include: Moonstone and Alexandrite.

"The Pearl of Allah" is a famous, and mysterious pearl.
The largest pearl known, was found in the Philippines in 1934. It is a naturally-occurring, non-nacreous, calcareous concretion from a giant clam. Because it did not grow in a pearl oyster it is not pearly, instead it has a porcellaneous surface. In other words, it is glossy like a china plate. Other pearls from giant clams are known to exist, but this is a particularly large one.
The pearl weighs 14 lb (6.4 kg) and was supposedly first discovered by an anonymous Filipino Muslim diver off the island of Palawan in 1934. According to the legend as it is currently told, a Palawan chieftain gave the pearl to Wilbur Dowell Cobb in 1936 as a gift for having saved the life of his son. The pearl had been named the "Pearl of Allah" by the Muslim tribal chief, because it resembled a turbaned head.
Another even more elaborate legend says that this object is actually the Pearl of Lao-Tzu, a cultured pearl created with a carved amulet and then supposedly progressively grafted into several giant clams, before supposedly being lost due to a shipwreck in 1745. This legend has been discredited, however because this pearl is indeed the product of a giant clam, Tridacna gigas, which cannot be grafted. The pearl is also a whole pearl, not a mabe pearl, and whole pearl culturing technology is only 100 years old.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pink Saphire
I got my pink saphires for free when I ordered from what is now "The Liquidation Channel". Because they were freebies, the carat weight isnt too large, therefore, the color is light, but the clarity is great, as far as I can tell without a loupe.
Pink sapphires have a trace of the element chromium and the deeper the color pink the higher their monetary value.
Generally, the clearer and more vivid the colour, the more valuable the fancy sapphire. If the colour is in the pastel range, the clarity should be good. Because in lighter tones inclusions are more noticeable, the trade usually prefers the gemstones to be cleaner with fewer visible inclusions. In a lighter coloured gemstone, the cut is also more important: it should reflect light back evenly across the face of the stone, making it lively and brilliant. With darker, more intense colours, the cut is not as critical because the colour creates its own impact.
For a long time, the general public was not really aware that pink sapphires really existed. This is because the pink sapphire was considered so special by jewelers that pink sapphire jewelry was only really traded by insiders. As far as the general public knew, a sapphire did not really come in any other color but blue.
The truth is that the sapphire comes in many colors including yellow, green, pink, purple orange and of course blue. A sapphire that is any other color but blue is called a Fancy Sapphire. Some of these sapphires also have their own names. For instance, the orange sapphire, which hails from India, is called Padparadsha. Red sapphires are classified as rubies.
There is something very cheery, youthful and optimistic about pink sapphire jewelry. It is a feminine stone but it is also one of the strongest and hardest stones in the world registering at a MOH scale hardness of 9. In this sense you could say it is a symbol of "the velvet glove" - feminine strength.
The pink sapphire is just as valuable and sometimes even more expensive than a high quality blue one. Like all sapphires it belongs to the corundum group of minerals, which are second only to diamonds in terms of their hardness.
Its beauty, magnificent colors, its transparency but also its resistance and permanence are characteristics which gemstone lovers and experts assign to this gemstone - however, this does not only apply to blue Sapphire as will be pointed out later on. Sapphire belongs to the corundum.
The corundum group consists of pure aluminum oxide and other elements that make the stones different colors. The more chrome a gemstone in this family contains the redder it will be. Rubies, also known as red sapphires have a great deal of chrome and that is what gives them their blood red color. Pink sapphires have less chrome, but just enough to give them their gorgeous blush. Iron is the element that gives common sapphires that true blue color.
Sapphires and especially pink sapphires can be considered to be a "cut above" other gemstones. This is because they are mined from very deep within in the earth. Cutters of sapphires must be the best as it is a stone that can contain several hues in one rock. In order the stone to really sparkle and for the depth of its color to be brilliant and consistent, a real expert must handle it. Otherwise the stone will be dull.
Like rubies and sapphires, pink sapphires can be heat treated in order to get rid of a dark core or an uneven color. The least expensive pink sapphire ring and pendants tend to be set with these heat-treated gemstones.
The oldest Sapphire mines are situated in Sri Lanka, which used to be known as Ceylon. These mines are being rapidly depleted so the next best three natural sources of pink sapphires are from Burma, India Thailand, Australia and Brazil.
Pink sapphires have a trace of the element chromium and the deeper the color pink the higher their monetary value.
Generally, the clearer and more vivid the colour, the more valuable the fancy sapphire. If the colour is in the pastel range, the clarity should be good. Because in lighter tones inclusions are more noticeable, the trade usually prefers the gemstones to be cleaner with fewer visible inclusions. In a lighter coloured gemstone, the cut is also more important: it should reflect light back evenly across the face of the stone, making it lively and brilliant. With darker, more intense colours, the cut is not as critical because the colour creates its own impact.
For a long time, the general public was not really aware that pink sapphires really existed. This is because the pink sapphire was considered so special by jewelers that pink sapphire jewelry was only really traded by insiders. As far as the general public knew, a sapphire did not really come in any other color but blue.
The truth is that the sapphire comes in many colors including yellow, green, pink, purple orange and of course blue. A sapphire that is any other color but blue is called a Fancy Sapphire. Some of these sapphires also have their own names. For instance, the orange sapphire, which hails from India, is called Padparadsha. Red sapphires are classified as rubies.
There is something very cheery, youthful and optimistic about pink sapphire jewelry. It is a feminine stone but it is also one of the strongest and hardest stones in the world registering at a MOH scale hardness of 9. In this sense you could say it is a symbol of "the velvet glove" - feminine strength.
The pink sapphire is just as valuable and sometimes even more expensive than a high quality blue one. Like all sapphires it belongs to the corundum group of minerals, which are second only to diamonds in terms of their hardness.
Its beauty, magnificent colors, its transparency but also its resistance and permanence are characteristics which gemstone lovers and experts assign to this gemstone - however, this does not only apply to blue Sapphire as will be pointed out later on. Sapphire belongs to the corundum.
The corundum group consists of pure aluminum oxide and other elements that make the stones different colors. The more chrome a gemstone in this family contains the redder it will be. Rubies, also known as red sapphires have a great deal of chrome and that is what gives them their blood red color. Pink sapphires have less chrome, but just enough to give them their gorgeous blush. Iron is the element that gives common sapphires that true blue color.
Sapphires and especially pink sapphires can be considered to be a "cut above" other gemstones. This is because they are mined from very deep within in the earth. Cutters of sapphires must be the best as it is a stone that can contain several hues in one rock. In order the stone to really sparkle and for the depth of its color to be brilliant and consistent, a real expert must handle it. Otherwise the stone will be dull.
Like rubies and sapphires, pink sapphires can be heat treated in order to get rid of a dark core or an uneven color. The least expensive pink sapphire ring and pendants tend to be set with these heat-treated gemstones.
The oldest Sapphire mines are situated in Sri Lanka, which used to be known as Ceylon. These mines are being rapidly depleted so the next best three natural sources of pink sapphires are from Burma, India Thailand, Australia and Brazil.
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